Stage 1: GENEVE – Interlaken – ANDERMATT (336km)

Today, Thursday, August 27, it is under a radiant sun that the first stage of the Grand Swiss Tour started from Geneva, at the Hotel La Réserve. The participants then took the road to Interlaken having crossed the Gruyère and the first pass planned for the route, the JaunPass, where the first passage control was held.

After the lunch organized at the Grand Hotel Victoria, the route took the competitors to the famous Lauterbrunnen waterfalls, with a breathtaking view of the Jungfrau.

Then, the competitors went to the SustenPass for the second passage control then to the Goescheneralp, by a steep road on the mountainside, before arriving at the Hotel Chedi in Andermatt, the end of this first stage.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow for the summary of the second stage, which will offer many passes to cross to reach Lugano via the Alp of Sorescia.

Rally program

26 Août 2020 : Accueil et vérifications à GENEVE
27 Août 2020 : Etape 1 / GENEVE – ANDERMATT
28 Août 2020 : Etape 2 / ANDERMATT – LUGANO
29 Août 2020 : Etape 3 / LUGANO – LUCERNE

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